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Ethan Wagner Presents Xenolith Work at 2021 SCGSA

Undergraduate Ethan Wagner presented a poster at the 2021 South-Central GSA virtual section meeting. Ethan's research is titled "HXRF Analysis of Metamorphic Xenoliths and Bulk Compositional Comparison with Metamorphic Units in the Llano Uplift, Texas." Ethan's work started in February 2020 when we went out to collect hXRF bulk compositional data on the metamorphic xenoliths hosted by the Town Mountain Granite at The Slab in Kingsland, Texas. Congratulations, Ethan!

To present a virtual poster, you create the poster as usual and then record a ~5-minute video introducing your research and reviewing the highlights. This must be completed several weeks before the conference. During the conference, the session host plays your recording at a specific time, and then you have several minutes to take questions from other attendees present in your Zoom session.


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